Overcoming the tsunami of devastating effects from redlining and systemic discrimination requires focusing on the social determinants of health–the built environment, education, health, social and community context, and economic stability.
Educational Attainment
Great disparities exist in educational attainment. Black students face harsher discipline, higher rates of chronic absences, and less success in college completion. In a world where school success is closely linked to family income and the mother’s level of education, we need new strategies to help students achieve and complete college. Educational success is crucial to lifelong economic stability and health.
Neighborhood and Housing Development
Urban core neighborhoods endured nearly a century of economic disinvestment and bear disproportionate environmental burdens. Cities cannot transform without revitalizing highly distressed neighborhoods.
Violence and Trauma
Too many students in urban communities are exposed to violence and experience adverse childhood experiences. To change the trajectory for youth, we must see violence and traumas as major health issues.

Devastating Numbers
Numbers in Dayton, Ohio, and the Nation
The percent of youth incarcerated in Ohio Department of Youth Services facilities who are Black. Only 15% of Ohio youth are Black. Self reported crime rates are similar between Blacks and Whites.
The number of delinquent youth in Montgomery County, the majority are from Dayton, Ohio. This number is highlighted in the 2023 Juvenile Justice Annual Report from the court.
The cost of a DYS detention is $646 per night. With an average stay of 16 months, the cost is approximately $312, 421 per youth (Cincinnati Enquirer, 2023). One in five victims of crime (known to law enforcement) were under the age of 18, nationally.
Only 12.3% of Dayton 2016 high school graduates completed college within six years, according to the Ohio School Report cards. The local goal is for more than 60% of youth to have a college degree or high quality certificate.